McMaster Neonatal Fellowship Program Website


McMaster Children's Hospital

Design and coordination of McMaster Children's Hospital 25th Anniversary Book

McMaster UniversityMaster of Public Health

Theme development, marketing materials, brand-new website

McMaster UniversityNeonatal Perinatal Fellowship

Website with full CMS and Google Docs integration

McMaster UniversityDepartment of Medicine

18 divisional websites and 16 residence websites for the largest department in McMaster's Faculty of Health Sciences. Ten annual reports too.

“We want to create a paperless resource centre for our Fellows.”

“Everything – schedules, applications, curriculum, objectives, manuals – should be easily accessed in one location. That will make things better for our fellows.”

This was the vision of Program Chair, Dr. Wahab.

specialty e-books in the on-line library

Knowing that the tech-savvy Program Director was very hands-on, a content management system would give him and his team the ability to populate the site and add to it after launch.

A WordPress site was created that followed the strict branding guidelines of the University. This was then filled in by the Program team to include a full Program Library, Curriculum and Research section, which grows weekly. This is truly a paperless program.

Now, both Fellows and Faculty have resources and tools at their fingertips – anytime of day, anywhere in the hospital.

Fellows in the program
ePortfolio, a web-based tool to assist in their career paths


  • McMaster University

    Dr. Muzafar Gani Abdul Wahab, Kelly Binkle

  • Electra Communications

    Bob Edmonds, Michelle Edmonds