Authentic Leadership


Anticoagulation Forum

Website for the international medical organization


Canadian Public Relations Society

A new website for the bustling Hamilton-Niagara chapter

Affiliated Services for Children and Youth

New ASCY website coordinates services for language, hearing and vision for young children

Hamilton Best Start

Two-sided website covers literacy, education, networks, clinics, and child development for families and professionals

Executive coaching can produce great results for participants, and have a positive impact on corporate culture.

Good coaching helps people achieve meaningful goals in their life and their life’s work.

coffees needed to develop the diagram

For participants, tangible memory aids can keep a topic top-of-mind in the working environment. These quick reference cards were designed to have maximum impact and help recall topics and strategies discussed in the coaching process.

Electra’s production experience brought these coaching tools and packaging to fruition quickly.

What took time?

  • Coaching memory cards
  • folder for packaging
  • brochure